
It’s one of those oddities of nature. A moment of impossible coexistence. At night, during a storm, when lightning strikes and the night turns into perfectly illuminated day. Midnight is just as bright as midday for that moment in time. Keller stood in his back yard, in late august, on the gulf coast, enjoying the … Continue reading


The elevator deposited Doctor Renee German on the top floor. She checked her file for the third time before taking another step. SUBJECT: REYNOLDS, MATTHEW JUNIOR ADMIRAL SENIOR OFFICER- PLANETARY ATMOSPHERIC  MISSLE DEFENSE She tucked away her file and began forward. The hallway was cold and sterile. She was almost to her destination when she noticed … Continue reading


Martin came to a stop. He turned and faced Rand, the room was silent except for his boots crunching soot stained ice. “I don’t think so” Rand already had his gamble calculated. “That’s fine, but I will put in an official request for a city regulator. Maybe you can have a superior officer take your place, … Continue reading

Planet Volstok

Here is an exercise that goes along with a Warhammer 40k campaign a friend and I are supposed to play. No sex, cursing, but the violence may be too much for children. Be advised. SEARCHING……. PLANET:VOLSTOK CAPITAL:OYMYAKON POPULATION:33.78 BILLION HIVE WORLD MINING WORLD LOCATION: EASTERN FRINGE THOUGHT FOR TODAY: AN OPEN MIND IS LIKE AN … Continue reading